Re: Need advice on updating the Linux kernel map
From: Constantine Shulyupin
Date: Tue Dec 14 2010 - 10:39:00 EST
Hi Valdis,
Thank you for your feedback.
I updated and continue to update the map of the Linux kernel -
With your feedback I reworked connections and added
tracing/oprofile/perf to debug segment.
Indeeds, security and debugging is forced to be in user interface and
have no direct relations to peripherals. But other places are less
suable. I decided to put security and debugging in UI, because
security limits UI (as user) and debugging expands UI (as developer).
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:41 PM, <Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 02:02:29 +0300, Constantine Shulyupin said:
>> I was wondering if you could help me. I've recently resumed work on
>> the map of the Linux kernel - in
>> order to make it more up-to-date and to improve it. Please let me know
>> how I can update the map, as it would help me a lot.
> A few quick comments:
> 1) Can we do better than an OSI 7-layer burrito? ;) As it stands, doing it
> that way creates a lot of things that look like layering violations. For
> instance, "Device Model" is up on "virtual", when it actually gets *used*
> several levels further down. And you have a *lot* of vertical lines that
> cross a whole bunch of levels. You would probably be served much better
> by letting each column be a lot wider, and maybe only 4 levels high (you
> can probably squish virtual/bridges/logical into one wider level).
> 1b) Much of the I/O column should be one wide section across the bottom of
> disk/network/user peripherals, and the 'system run' box should be in some
> other column(s).
> 2) Security and debugging seem to be forced in the "user peripherals" column
> for no real rational reason.
> 3) I see no mention of tracing/oprofile/perf.
> Hope that helps...
Constantine Shulyupin
Embedded Linux Expert
TI DaVinci Expert
Tel-Aviv Israel
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