Re: [PATCH] cramfs: generate unique inode number for better inodecache usage
From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Wed Dec 15 2010 - 11:46:27 EST
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 8:31 AM, <stefani@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Pekka's approach is not problem. But the "cruddy" CRAMINO_UNIQ() is exact
> what is needed. In your orginal design of cramfs there is no way to give
> entries with no data an unique inode number.
Umm. And my cramino() did exactly that. If it has a data pointer, it
uses that, otherwise it uses the directory offset.
It just doesn't care about the mode of the file.
(feel free to test the size too, for that matter - that's what the old
code does)
IOW, it uses the old CRAMINO() approach, except instead of "1" for the
non-offset case, it uses "dirent_offset+1"
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