Hardware locality (hwloc) v1.0.3 released

From: Samuel Thibault
Date: Thu Dec 16 2010 - 20:05:44 EST

Just in time for the holidays, the Hardware Locality (hwloc) team is pleased to announce the release of v1.0.3:


v1.0.3 is a minor bug fix release which addresses all remaining known bugs in the v1.0 series.

We expect that v1.0.3 will be the last release of this series.

hwloc provides command line tools and a C API to obtain the hierarchical map of key computing elements, such as: NUMA memory nodes, shared caches, processor sockets, processor cores, and processor "threads". hwloc also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information, and is portable across a variety of different operating systems and platforms.

The following is a summary of the changes since v1.0.2:

* Fix support for Linux cpuset when emulated by a cgroup mount point.
* Remove unneeded runtime dependency on libibverbs.so in the library and
all utils programs.
* Fix hwloc_cpuset_to_linux_libnuma_ulongs in case of non-linear OS-indexes
for NUMA nodes.
* lstopo now displays physical/OS indexes by default in graphical mode
(use -l to switch back to logical indexes). The textual output still uses
logical by default (use -p to switch to physical indexes).
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