scheduling policy was: Re: 2.6.37 considered stable?
From: Dr. Martin Rogge
Date: Fri Feb 04 2011 - 15:23:35 EST
Gene Heskett wrote:
> Chuckle. I've been running 2.6.37 here, with all of that new group
> scheduling stuff enabled, the desktop feels great and my only fuss is that
> kaffiene, when watching digital tv on my pcHD-3000 card, is NOT getting
> enough time so both the audio and the video have little 20 millisecond
> holes chopped in them at sub-second intervals. Not the most pleasant
> thing
> to watch. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to get such an
> application a higher priority.
Gene, have you tried schedtool to set the scheduling policy of the process to
Before anyone asks, yes, relying on schedtool puts a little reponsibility on
user space, but it is my firm believe that (a) you can't auto-everything and
(b) the onus should be on the distro not the user.
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