Re: Sun GEM PPC32 Bug?

From: Matt
Date: Sat Feb 05 2011 - 15:32:48 EST

>Is there a special Kernel parameter (sysctl.conf), that makes it
>possible to use the Network. So how it is now I canÅt work with it. What
>can I do at the moment?

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thanks !

there was a kind of temporary solution provided in :

>linuxopjemac, thank you for referring to Ben. He replied and might look into it.

>Meanwhile, I put the module reloading and interface restarting into a cron job that executes every hour: sudo crontab -e

# m h dom mon dow command
0 * * * * /usr/sbin/fix-sungem

>and the script /usr/sbin/fix-sungem contains

/sbin/ifdown eth0 && /sbin/rmmod sungem && /sbin/modprobe sungem &&
/sbin/ifup eth0

Hope that helps somewhat


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