On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 03:33:38PM +0000, Haefliger, Juerg wrote:Hi,their kernels. Does anybody know why that is? Are there performance or
Both RHEL6 and Ubuntu 10.10 have block IO throttling disabled in
stability issues with the throttling controller or does it somehow
negatively interfere with the rest of the kernel and/or system?
Block IO throttling support was not even upstream at that time hence
you don't see it.
Duh! I thought I checked that the code was there but just not enabled. I just double-checked and sure enough block IO throttling is not in the RHEL6 kernel source. Sorry for the noise.
I have not heard about any stability issues so far. Of course more--
testing will reveal that.
The only thing I have thinking is that should we limit the number of
bios queued per IO context on the device. Currently there is no such limit
and one can queue up as many bios as one want to.