A long overdue fork-bomb defense ?
From: Robert Hailey
Date: Fri Apr 08 2011 - 16:47:18 EST
(Non-subscriber, please CC me in responses)
An idea inspired by the Out-of-Memory Killer, to catch fork bombs at
The principal indicator of a fork bomb is that it calls fork() too
much, filling up the process table. What makes it nearly impossible to
kill manually is that it continuously spawns new processes. It is
precisely this odd behavior which should make it exceptionally easy to
kill automatically in the kernel.
#1 per-process unsigned integer field "fork_count"
increments at each fork() [if not max_int],
new processes inherit incremented value from parent process, or
zero if parent is init, exec() should *not* clear fork_count
(the above statistic alone might be interesting?)
#2 global unsigned int "fork_alert_level" usually zero
doubles both as a alert state switch & fork_count at which to kill
#3 global time value "fork_alert_time"
to return the kernel to standard operation when threat is abated
fork would no longer return ELIMIT (or the like), but follow this
fork(proc) {
unsigned fork_count=(proc->fork_count+1);
//detect overflow
if (fork_count>proc->fork_count) {
} else {
log("fork_count generation");
if (fork_alert_level) {
if (fork_count >= fork_alert_level) {
signal(KILL, proc) && log('killed ...');
//don't: fork_alert_time=now();
if (now()-fork_alert_time>10 seconds?) {
fork_alert_level=0; //Relax
if (!child) {
//No more processes in process table
Proc highest;
Proc second_place;
for ( p : process_table) {
if (init || protected?) continue;
if (!highest || p->fork_count>highest->fork_count) {
assert(highest->fork_count != second_place->fork_count);
if (afraid_of_killing_innocents) {
fork_alert_level = second_place->fork_count;
} else {
fork_alert_level = second_place->fork_count -
if (fork_count >= fork_alert_level) {
signal(KILL, proc) && log('killed ...');
signal(KILL, highest) && log('killed ...');
} else {
signal(KILL, highest) && log('killed ...');
...continue with fork() logic...
So in normal operation it would only count forks.
Of course, the concern is killing processes that legitimately fork
many times over the course of their life (e.g. inetd, cron...). Such a
process is not really in danger from it's own children (as they
inherit the fork_count), but might be in danger of another process'
Seeing that the new systemd puts each service in it's own process
group, at first I was thinking this could be easily solved by
isolating the fork-based-killing to the process group which contains
the most processes at the moment the process table is found to be full.
Does this sound reasonable, or would an out-of-processes-killer also
need to scan for session ids or be overly complicated (by uid, by tty)?
Would it even work? thoughts/ideas?
Robert Hailey
Seen: delivering a fork_bomb_defense as a kernel module
Seen: fork bomb defense with OOM-killer by least_common_ancestor
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