On Tue, 10 May 2011, KOSAKI Motohiro wrote:
Recently, oom internal logic was dramatically changed. Thus
dump_tasks() is no longer useful. it has some meaningless
items and don't have some oom socre related items.
This changelog is inaccurate.
dump_tasks() is actually useful as it currently stands; there are things
that you may add or remove but saying that it is "no longer useful" is an
This patch adapt displaying fields to new oom logic.
removed: pid (we always kill process. don't need thread id),
mm->total_vm (we no longer uses virtual memory size)
Showing mm->total_vm is still interesting to know what the old heuristic
would have used rather than the new heuristic, I'd prefer if we kept it.
signal->oom_adj (we no longer uses it internally)
added: ppid (we often kill sacrifice child process)
modify: RSS (account mm->nr_ptes too)
I'd prefer if ptes were shown independently from rss instead of adding it
to the thread's true rss usage and representing it as such.
I think the cpu should also be removed.
For the next version, could you show the old output and comparsion to new
output in the changelog?
Signed-off-by: KOSAKI Motohiro<kosaki.motohiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Strictly speaking. this is NOT a part of oom fixing patches. but it's
necessary when I parse QAI's test result.
mm/oom_kill.c | 14 ++++++++------
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mm/oom_kill.c b/mm/oom_kill.c
index f52e85c..118d958 100644
--- a/mm/oom_kill.c
+++ b/mm/oom_kill.c
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ static void dump_tasks(const struct mem_cgroup *mem, const nodemask_t *nodemask)
struct task_struct *p;
struct task_struct *task;
- pr_info("[ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss cpu oom_adj oom_score_adj name\n");
+ pr_info("[ pid] ppid uid rss cpu score_adj name\n");
for_each_process(p) {
if (oom_unkillable_task(p, mem, nodemask))
@@ -370,11 +370,13 @@ static void dump_tasks(const struct mem_cgroup *mem, const nodemask_t *nodemask)
- pr_info("[%5d] %5d %5d %8lu %8lu %3u %3d %5d %s\n",
- task->pid, task_uid(task), task->tgid,
- task->mm->total_vm, get_mm_rss(task->mm),
- task_cpu(task), task->signal->oom_adj,
- task->signal->oom_score_adj, task->comm);
+ pr_info("[%6d] %6d %5d %8lu %4u %9d %s\n",
+ task_tgid_nr(task), task_tgid_nr(task->real_parent),
+ task_uid(task),
+ get_mm_rss(task->mm) + p->mm->nr_ptes,
+ task_cpu(task),
+ task->signal->oom_score_adj,
+ task->comm);
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