NO S5 poweroff with nfsroot (works with same kernel and same rootfs on local storage)

From: John Z. Bohach
Date: Wed May 25 2011 - 10:19:54 EST


I'm running Linux version on an LFS (linuxfromscratch)-based
distro. and am trying to get the host (AMD-athlon) to physically remove
power (S5) on a 'halt -n -d -f -p' command issued from runstate "init
1" from an NFS rootfs (and yes the eth0 rootfs mount is still up in my
run-level 1).

The results are the kernel code is entered, the "md" device is shutdown,
and the following:

pci 0000:00:07.0: wake-up cabability enabled by ACPI
ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S5
Disabling non-boot CPU's
SMP alternatives: switching to UP code

Then it hangs, though after a few minutes, I still get some NFS timeout
messages, though I can't tell which mount, probably the rootfs?

'reboot -n -d -f' does reset the machine from the same state.

The reason I'm posting this here is because when I run the SAME kernel
and the SAME rootfs from a local disk (/dev/sda1), the system does
power-off successfully. I have some custom tweaks to the rc-scripts to
allow running identical rootfs over NFS and local disk, but I try to
rule out any runtime differences by restricting my question to
run-level 1.

Both BIOS and kernel support ACPI and I've fixed the rootfs to run in
r/o mode, and made some other customizations to allow proper shutdown
for nfsroot, but to rule out all non-interesting things, I run the
halt -n -d -f -p command from run-level 1, and I've even run some
manual commands to kill off every process and every mount that was
still around. Obviously I can't kill the root mount over NFS and eth0
is still up.

Is this supported or is the root cause between the keyboard and the

John Z. Bohach
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