* Arne Jansen<lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
( Arne, please also double check on a working bootup that the NMI
watchdog is actually ticking, by checking the NMI counts in
/proc/interrupts go up slowly but surely on all CPUs. )
It does, but _very_ slowly. Some CPUs do not count up for tens of
minutes if the machine is idle. If I generate some load like 'make
tags', the counters go up quite quickly.
After 4 minutes and one 'make cscope' it looks like this:
NMI: 8 13 43 5 2
3 22 1 Non-maskable interrupts
But I never see a single tick on console or in dmesg, even when I
replace the early_printk with a printk.
hm, that might be because the NMI watchdog uses halted cycles to
That's not a problem (the kernel cannot lock up while there are no
cycles ticking) but nevertheless could you work this around please
by starting 8 infinite shell loops:
for ((i=0; i<8; i++)); do while : ; do : ; done& done
This will saturate all cores and makes sure the NMI watchdog is
ticking everywhere.
Hopefully this wont make the bug go away :-)