On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:13 AM, AmÃrico Wang<xiyou.wangcong@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:ok, I will split the patch.On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:05 AM, WeipingPan<panweiping3@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:By the way, please mark the version of your patch in $subject,On 06/07/2011 10:24 AM, Weiping Pan wrote:I think you'd better separate bug fix from cleanup's.There is bug that when you modify lacp_rate via sysfs,Any comments ?
802.3ad won't use the new value of lacp_rate to transmit packets.
This is because port->actor_oper_port_state isn't changed.
As for ad_select, it can work,
but both struct bond_params and ad_bond_info have lacp_fast and ad_select,
they are duplicate and need extra synchronization.
802.3ad can get them from bond_params directly every time.
in this case, V3. And describe what you changed from V2.