Re: [ANNOUNCE] 3.0-rt7 - Error with low latency desktop config
From: Tim Sander
Date: Wed Aug 10 2011 - 12:34:22 EST
Hi Uwe
I triple checked.
> I think targetinstall should ask about the changed config items.
It only asks one way, when going from an upatched kernel to an patched one.
Since i was coming from an preempt rt kernel to an unpatched one no questions
where asked (probably since all settings where still in place as i wasn't
using the preempt rt feature with the preempt rt patched kernel source
aka "Low latency desktop")
> check if ${PROJECT_DIR}/${PLATFORMNAME}/build/linux-3.0/ (or similar)
> really has the rt patch applied. (e.g. is there a localversion-rt file?)
Yes, one version has rt7 appended the other not.
But i think the regression when going from 3.0-rt7 to 3.0.1-rt8 with
CONFIG_PREEMPT_RTB is more worthwhile to discuss. Which i detailed in the
other mail.
Best regards
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