Re: Future of the -longterm kernel releases (i.e. how we pick them).
From: Jörg-Volker Peetz
Date: Mon Aug 15 2011 - 03:19:37 EST
Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote, on 08/15/11 08:48:
> Greg KH wrote, on 08/15/11 06:15:
> <snip>
>> - a new -longterm kernel is picked every year.
>> - a -longterm kernel is maintained for 2 years and then dropped.
> <snip>
> Just a little nitpick: with this scheme you will accumulate longterm kernels. If
> I understand it right, one longterm kernel is added every year.
Correction: this should read "one longterm kernel is added every two years".
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