Linux 3.0.1 compile problem on different locales..
From: Serdar KÖYLÜ
Date: Mon Aug 15 2011 - 16:51:33 EST
I download latest stable version and try compile it. But process
terminated with an error message, such as:
error config/modversions.h, file or directory not found (Message is my
original language, in Turkish).
I check manually this file, found it as:
And all other "i" chars, translated into "I" chars. I run a grep, find this:
[root@localhost kconfig]# grep -in tolower *.c
confdata.c:730: c = tolower(c);
I set env. vars such as "LC_CTYPE=C" manually, retry compile kernel,
yes, it's compiled now.
I don't know best solutions for this problem. A solutions can be write
some warnings in related documents. An other solution, make a patch,
such as:
- confdata.c:730: c = tolower(c);
+#define TOLOWER(x) ((x) | 0x20)
+confdata.c:730: c = TOLOWER(c);
or makefiles set locale to "C". I don't sure best solution. But this
problem occured in turkish and can be occurred other langs.
Thanks, best regards..
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