Re: Hanging threads with pthread_detach and gdb
From: Pedro Alves
Date: Fri Aug 19 2011 - 06:28:16 EST
On Friday 19 August 2011 09:54:43, Lin Ming wrote:
> =====
> gdb wait for pid=2431
> gdb is going to sleep ...
> gdb children list:
> pid=2431, exit_state=16, exit_signal=17
> gdb ptrace list:
> pid=2436, exit_state=16, exit_signal=-1
> pid=2431, exit_state=16, exit_signal=17
> =====
> exit_state 16 is EXIT_ZOMBIE state.
> pid 2431 is the thread group leader.
> pid 2436 is the thread group member(other members have been removed).
> gdb is waiting the group leader, but it fails because the group is not
> empty. Then gdb goes to sleep.
> At this moment, all threads have gone into EXIT_ZOMBIE state.
> So no thread can wake up gdb anymore.
> That's why gdb hangs.
> I'm not familiar with pthread semantics.
> Is this a problem need to be fixed?
Yeah, it's an ugly ptrace quirk. waitpid'ing the exited
tg leader hangs if there are other threads in the group,
even if they're zombies.
I believe this is fixed / worked around mainline GDB:
Though it'd be nice not to need the workaround...
Pedro Alves
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