Linux kernel ARM problem
From: Богомазов Кирилл
Date: Mon Aug 29 2011 - 15:53:33 EST
Good day!
I hope very much for your help. I have been porting Android on HTC
device Mega (Qualcomm
MSM7225 ) with loader Haret. At that moment I'm using to debug the
code vibratory phone and I
can say that Haret work.For the kernel I used source code from a
similar device HTC Buzz with
some modifications.I am sure that the kernel is loaded into RAM so I
added vibration code to the
kernel/head.S and receive device vibrating. However, when I added the
code in the vibration board-
buzz.c that does not work anyway.My device freeze after message
"Booting Linux". Tell me how I can track and debug the error? There
in the kernel boots Buzz? That may interfere with loading on an
identical device?Thank you in
advance for your help.
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