Abysmal I/O scheduling with dm-crypt

From: martin f krafft
Date: Tue Aug 30 2011 - 03:23:42 EST

Dear list,

for years I have been plagued by the following problem, and it is
almost out of last resort that I am turning to you. I have searched
the web over the months. There is talk of dirty_ratios, of caches,
and of write throttling, but I have not been able to find a way to
fix the problem.

I am using encrypted filesystems (dm-crypt) and the 3.0.0 kernel.
Underneath might be a RAID1 or a fast SSD. On top is usually LVM
with a few LVs holding the system.

Whenever an I/O-intensive task starts, such as:

- tar -c or -x
- dd
- rsync
- notmuch
- â

the system becomes unusable for several seconds at a time, at least
once or twice per minute. What seems to happen is that Vim or the
Shell or Firefox or whatever else completely blocks, waiting for
I/O, but Linux is not satisfying those I/O requests because it's
busy servicing the aforementioned I/O-intensive task. As a result,
Vim or the Shell or Firefox or whatever do not update, forcing me to
wait for them to get an I/O service slot.

People not running dm-crypt seem unable to reproduce this problem,
making me think that it must be due to dm-crypt, and I wouldn't find
it hard to imagine, because dm-crypt basically shields the
I/O-scheduler of the kernel, doesn't it? Worse, it probably doesn't
make any effort of scheduling I/O itself. Note: I know very little
about the internals, so please correct me if I am wrong.

I am wondering if this is the case, and if so, what could be done
about it.

Do you have any ideas and/or concrete suggestions?

PS: http://bugs.debian.org/635768 was the latest incarnation of my
attempts to solve this problem (I accidentally wrote notmuch
when I mean to write awesome in that reportâ).

martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/

"gilmour's guitar sounds good
whether you've got a bottle of cider in your hand
or a keyboard and a mouse."
-- prof. bruce maxwell

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