Re: [TuxOnIce-devel] Thinkpad hotkeys and USB audio not working afterresume in 3.0.x
From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Thu Sep 01 2011 - 08:27:49 EST
Hi Pedro.
On 01/09/11 20:36, Pedro Ribeiro wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm hitting a bug with my thinkpad T400. After resuming from Hibernate,
> the thinkpad hotkeys and my USB audio card do not work at all.
> Suspending to RAM and resuming seem to solve the problem, but after
> another hibernation it comes back again.
> This only happens with TuxOnIce but not with the vanilla kernel.
> Rafael, can you please point out from the top of your head if there was
> any change that could have caused this?
Sorry for my slowness in getting back to you Pedro.
When you invoke swsusp, is it in exactly the same way that TuxOnIce is
invoked? I'm wondering whether modules are unloaded and services stopped
in one scenario that are handled differently in the other.
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