Re: 3.1-rc5 is the worst
From: Takashi Iwai
Date: Mon Sep 12 2011 - 05:24:42 EST
At Sat, 10 Sep 2011 11:57:06 +0200,
Francis Moreau wrote:
> Hello,
> Maybe the subject sounds rude so apologize since I just want to report
> that 3.1-rc5 gives me bad impression.
> Of course it's all about my hw support which seems to get some
> regressions (I attached lspci).
> 1/ I'm getting this now at each boot:
> [ 38.349671] hda_codec: too deep connection for 0x18
> [ 38.349748] hda_codec: too deep connection for 0x18
> [ 38.349842] hda_codec: too deep connection for 0x18
> [ 38.349843] hda_codec: too deep connection for 0x18
> [ 38.349844] hda_codec: too deep connection for 0x18
> [ 38.349939] hda_codec: too deep connection for 0x18
> <repeated 252 times>
> I've no idea what it does mean or it's simply a warning I can ignore
> (and it that case it would be nice to limit it at least) or if it's
> worse getting a fix before 3.1 is out would be great.
Could you give outputs (run with --no-upload option)
for both working and non-working kernels? lspci doesn't expose
anything about codecs and other details.
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