On 10/23/2011 12:07 PM, Raghavendra K T wrote:This patch extends Linux guests running on KVM hypervisor to support
+ * Setup pv_lock_ops to exploit KVM_FEATURE_WAIT_FOR_KICK if present.
+ * This needs to be setup really early in boot, before the first call to
+ * spinlock is issued!
Actually, it doesn't matter that much. The in-memory format is the same
for regular and PV spinlocks, and the PV paths only come into play if
the "slowpath" flag is set in the lock, which it never will be by the
non-PV code.
In principle, you could defer initializing PV ticketlocks until some
arbitrarily late point if you notice that the system is oversubscribed
enough to require it.
The main constraint at present is that you need to update the
pv_lock_ops structure before pvops patching happens, or you won't see
any effect from making changes.