Re: [PATCH] iommu/intel: Fix build failure with intel-gtt and!intel-iommu

From: David Woodhouse
Date: Fri Nov 11 2011 - 08:52:40 EST

On Fri, 2011-11-11 at 14:48 +0100, Joerg Roedel wrote:
> +#define intel_iommu_gfx_mapped 1

That ought to be zero; if the IOMMU code isn't present, it's
*definitely* not mapped through the IOMMU :)

But I'm fairly sure this was already noticed and a patch is on its way
upstream already.

It's my fault รข my original testing patches to expose this information
from the IOMMU code did put it into a header file, but when I sent it
upstream I missed that part of the patch, thus leading to the horrid
'extern int intel_iommu_gfx_mapped;' in intel-gtt.c that your patch


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