Re: BCM43224 hanging [3.2.0-rc5] (was: [3.2.0-rc4-00248-gb835c0f]...)

From: Nico Schottelius
Date: Wed Dec 14 2011 - 06:21:52 EST


After several more suspend & resume cycles I managed to get back
into the non-working state where every network call hangs.

I've upgraded to 3.2.0-rc5, which results in same behaviour.

Attached are latest dmesg outputs, with changing behaviour
(3.2.0-rc4-00255-g77a7300.dmesg.xz) and the usual does not
work on bootup status (3.2.0-rc5.dmesg.xz).



PGP key: 7ED9 F7D3 6B10 81D7 0EC5 5C09 D7DC C8E4 3187 7DF0

Attachment: 3.2.0-rc4-00255-g77a7300.dmesg.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 3.2.0-rc5.dmesg.xz
Description: Binary data