Re: [PATCH 0/10] af_unix: add multicast and filtering features toAF_UNIX
From: Martin Mares
Date: Sat Mar 03 2012 - 07:30:15 EST
> Instead we should add many times that into dbus-daemon and do IP
> multicast, am I missing something?
I completely agree with Alan that if routing all messages through
DBUS daemon is a bottleneck, then something is seriously wrong with
the way the applications use the message bus.
Also, you mentioned the need of passing fd's between applications.
If I understand correctly, it is a rare case and if you handle such
messages in the same way as before, it won't hurt performance.
Have a nice fortnight
Martin `MJ' Mares <mj@xxxxxx>
Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth
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