From: joy
Date: Fri Mar 16 2012 - 06:15:15 EST
My lovely imiÄ Joy, widziaÅem swÃj profil
dzisiaj i staÅ zainteresowanie siÄ spotkaÄ
wiÄc wyÅlij mi maila na mÃj adres mailowy, wiÄc
moÅe daÄ Ci moje zdjÄcia dla ciebie bez nich
l am.Here jest mÃj mail, uwaÅam, Åe
mogÄ poruszaÄ siÄ z here.I czekam na Twoje
mail na mÃj adres e-mail
z miÅoÅciÄ.
My lovely name is Joy, i saw your profile
today i became interest to meet with you
so send me a mail to my mail address so i
can give you my photos for you to no whom
l am.Here is my mail address, I believe we
can move from here.I am waiting for your
mail to my email address
with love.
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