Re: Building BarGraph with LED subsystem

From: simon
Date: Fri Mar 16 2012 - 12:38:52 EST

> While making the kernel more complex... esp for a feature which is of
> such limited use.

Is the concept of a bargraph of LEDs really a 'limited use'? I can think
of several uses... I mean isn't flashing or a heart beat just as limited

> Do it all in userland, it's easier, you can use
> floating point math, etc. And to test changes, you don't have to
> recompile a module and unload/reload it, etc.

For my application a user-land stub would do math to work out threshold
values and push current value (in the right format) into the LED

Once kernel framework is provided it should not need re-compilation on a
case by case basis.


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