[PATCH net V2 0/2] bonding:add aging mechanism to rlb table

From: Weiping Pan
Date: Thu Mar 22 2012 - 04:44:01 EST

Jiri Bohac(jbohac@xxxxxxx) found that once an IP address is recorded in the
rlb hash table, it stays there indefinitely. If this IP address is migrated
to a different host in the network, bonding still sends out ARP packets
that poison other systems' ARP caches with invalid information.

There are some attempts to fix this problem,

But they did not fix the root cause of the problem, that rlb table does not
have a aging mechanism, the entry is deemed valid for ever unless it is

In this patchset I want to add aging mechanism to rlb table.

Assume RLB_MONITOR_DELAY is 2 seconds and RLB_WORK_COUNTER_TIMES is 3,
and we can tune them.

Every 6 seconds bonding will make all entries invalid.
Every 2 seconds, bonding will send arp requests to its all
clients, then if it receives corresponding arp reply, bonding will deem that
this entry is valid.
And we give a entry 3 opportunities to survive in 6 seconds.

add cover letter

Weiping Pan (2):
bonding:delete rlb entry if bond's ip is deleted
bonding:delete rlb entry at regular intervals

drivers/net/bonding/bond_alb.c | 130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
drivers/net/bonding/bond_alb.h | 9 +++
drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c | 11 +++-
3 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)


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