Re: [PATCH] Added backlight driver for Acer Aspire 4736
From: joeyli
Date: Fri Mar 23 2012 - 00:27:44 EST
æ äï2012-03-23 æ 09:06 +0530ïPradeep Subrahmanion æåï
> On Wed, 2012-03-21 at 11:00 +0800, joeyli wrote:
> > think the hotkey of backlight control only works with acpi_osi=Linux ?
> yes , hot key control only works with this option.Any ideas about where
> the hot key events gets handled ? I tried logging inside
> 'acpi_video_device_notify' method in video.c . But the control does not
> seem to reach here .
> Thanks,
> Pradeep Subrahmanion
Hotkey change status is through _Q11 and _Q12 event but not wmi:
Method (_Q11, 0, NotSerialized) /* Brightness down */
If (LGreaterEqual (OSYS, 0x07D6)) /* Vista or later */
If (LEqual (OBV, 0xFF))
Notify (^^^PEGP.VGA.LCD, 0x87)
Notify (^^^OVGA.DD03, 0x87)
Else /* 0x07D1 (XP) or 0x03E8 (Linux) */
^^^OVGA.AINT (One, BRTS) /* access AINT, it touch BCLP register */
If (LEqual (^^^WMID.BAEF, One))
Store (BRTS, Local1)
Store (^^^WMID.LBL0, Local2)
Add (Local2, Local1, Local2)
Store (Local2, ^^^WMID.NTDC)
Notify (WMID, 0x80)
Method (AINT, 2, NotSerialized)
If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) /* Linux or XP */
Add (Arg1, One, Arg1)
Store (Divide (Multiply (Arg1, 0xFF), 0x0A, ), BCLP)
Or (BCLP, 0x80000000, BCLP) /* touch BCLP register */
Store (0x02, ASLC)
That's why I said acpi_osi"!Windows 2006" should also works to you. Unfortunately,
there have something wrong in video driver for support this machine on XP mode.
thanks a lot!
Joey Lee
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