[PATCH v1] regulator: i.MX35-PDK Add regulator support
From: Alex Gershgorin
Date: Mon Mar 26 2012 - 10:43:46 EST
This patch register MC13892 PMIC which connected
via I2C bus and allow set the voltage domains
and constraints for each regulator.
Signed-off-by: Alex Gershgorin <alexg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
arch/arm/mach-imx/mach-mx35_3ds.c | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-imx/mach-mx35_3ds.c b/arch/arm/mach-imx/mach-mx35_3ds.c
index 0af6c9c..33ba6fe 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/mach-mx35_3ds.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/mach-mx35_3ds.c
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
#include <linux/usb/otg.h>
#include <linux/mtd/physmap.h>
+#include <linux/mfd/mc13892.h>
+#include <linux/regulator/machine.h>
#include <asm/mach-types.h>
#include <asm/mach/arch.h>
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@
#include "devices-imx35.h"
+#define GPIO_PMIC_INT IMX_GPIO_NR(2, 0)
#define EXPIO_PARENT_INT gpio_to_irq(IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 1))
static const struct imxuart_platform_data uart_pdata __initconst = {
@@ -120,8 +123,204 @@ static iomux_v3_cfg_t mx35pdk_pads[] = {
/* I2C1 */
+ /*PMIC IRQ*/
+ MX35_PAD_GPIO2_0__GPIO2_0,
+static struct regulator_init_data sw1_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "SW1",
+ .min_uV = 600000,
+ .max_uV = 1375000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .valid_modes_mask = 0,
+ .always_on = 1,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data sw2_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "SW2",
+ .min_uV = 900000,
+ .max_uV = 1850000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .always_on = 1,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data sw3_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "SW3",
+ .min_uV = 1100000,
+ .max_uV = 1850000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .always_on = 1,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data sw4_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "SW4",
+ .min_uV = 1100000,
+ .max_uV = 1850000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .always_on = 1,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data viohi_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VIOHI",
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vusb_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VUSB",
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vdig_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VDIG",
+ .min_uV = 1050000,
+ .max_uV = 1800000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vpll_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VPLL",
+ .min_uV = 1050000,
+ .max_uV = 1800000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vusb2_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VUSB2",
+ .min_uV = 2400000,
+ .max_uV = 2775000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vvideo_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VVIDEO",
+ .min_uV = 2500000,
+ .max_uV = 2775000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .boot_on = 1
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vaudio_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VAUDIO",
+ .min_uV = 2300000,
+ .max_uV = 3000000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .boot_on = 1
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vcam_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VCAM",
+ .min_uV = 2500000,
+ .max_uV = 3000000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE |
+ .boot_on = 1
+ },
+static struct regulator_init_data vgen1_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VGEN1",
+ .min_uV = 1200000,
+ .max_uV = 3150000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vgen2_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VGEN2",
+ .min_uV = 1200000,
+ .max_uV = 3150000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ .boot_on = 1,
+ }
+static struct regulator_init_data vgen3_init = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .name = "VGEN3",
+ .min_uV = 1800000,
+ .max_uV = 2900000,
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,
+ }
+static struct mc13xxx_regulator_init_data mx35_3ds_regulators[] = {
+ { .id = MC13892_SW1, .init_data = &sw1_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_SW2, .init_data = &sw2_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_SW3, .init_data = &sw3_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_SW4, .init_data = &sw4_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VIOHI, .init_data = &viohi_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VPLL, .init_data = &vpll_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VDIG, .init_data = &vdig_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VUSB2, .init_data = &vusb2_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VVIDEO, .init_data = &vvideo_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VAUDIO, .init_data = &vaudio_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VCAM, .init_data = &vcam_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VGEN1, .init_data = &vgen1_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VGEN2, .init_data = &vgen2_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VGEN3, .init_data = &vgen3_init },
+ { .id = MC13892_VUSB, .init_data = &vusb_init },
+static struct mc13xxx_platform_data mx35_3ds_mc13892_data = {
+ .regulators = {
+ .num_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(mx35_3ds_regulators),
+ .regulators = mx35_3ds_regulators,
+ },
+static struct i2c_board_info mx35_3ds_i2c_mc13892 = {
+ I2C_BOARD_INFO("mc13892", 0x08),
+ .platform_data = &mx35_3ds_mc13892_data,
+static void __init imx35_3ds_init_mc13892(void)
+ int ret = gpio_request_one(GPIO_PMIC_INT, GPIOF_DIR_IN, "pmic irq");
+ if (ret) {
+ pr_err("failed to get pmic irq: %d\n", ret);
+ return;
+ }
+ i2c_register_board_info(0, &mx35_3ds_i2c_mc13892, 1);
static int mx35_3ds_otg_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
return mx35_initialize_usb_hw(pdev->id, MXC_EHCI_INTERNAL_PHY);
@@ -204,6 +403,7 @@ static void __init mx35_3ds_init(void)
pr_warn("Init of the debugboard failed, all "
"devices on the debugboard are unusable.\n");
+ imx35_3ds_init_mc13892();
static void __init mx35pdk_timer_init(void)
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