Re: [RFC] Android Logger vs. Shared Memory FIGHT!

From: Daniel Walker
Date: Thu Mar 29 2012 - 15:09:56 EST

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 07:50:07PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> The question is whether you are trying to record data for analysis in a
> hostile environment or you are trying to do useful debugging. If your
> apps are non hostile then PR_SET_NAME is actually useful in logging to
> split apart different executions of the same daemon.


> The Android logger has no security model of any real kind so it's clearly
> about the debug side. In that case the PID lets you correlate with other
> logs, the comm data might be useful.

Your right it doesn't have much in terms of security, but Tim is suggesting
that it is a hostile environment in need of what little security it has.

If your logging on a hostile system then Android's logger and my shared
memory version are both wide open. However, that doesn't mean you could lock
both down in some way.

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