Mark Brown<broonie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 08:39:40PM +0100, Jonathan Cameron wrote:I guess it comes down to whether Linus will pull. 2 should be there within a week or so anyway depending mostly on analog testing I haven't broken any of their drivers.
1) Review of code. This is crucial. If people have a little timejob
ripping holes in the core IIO code is what we need. Arnd did a good
of this a while back. Others have done bits of it
2) Getting the push code tidied up and pushed out. I'll post it as
updated rfc to linux-iio shortly. All I had left that definitelyFor these two can we refactor in place? That's pretty much what seems
wanted doing here was cleaning up the example iio to input bridge
driver. That can happen later.
to have been happening anyway...
Agreed.* Event passing to consumers else where in the kernel. Right now ansome
input driver can readings from a sensor, but there is no way of
requesting threshold interrupts.
* Interaction between consumer drivers (e.g. hwmon or input) where
are requesting data by polling when they want it and others want aThese sound like something that can be added incrementally?
timeIf the code was moved out of staging today what would go wrong?Churn in interfaces is probably about it. Maybe a good use of any
I guess the big question is then if we can live with that.Quite a lot of things in miscellaneous as well to possibly pull in over time.would be for people to take their non IIO drivers that they thinkmightfit (or data sheets!) and see whether there are things that theywouldlike to be different.In tree there's a few auxadc and comparator drivers in drivers/mfd,
things like arch/arm/plat-samsung/adc.c in the arch direcories. These
are all broadly similar to the at91 code that's been sent to IIO
already. There's also the code Alan posted at the top of this thread.