Re: [PATCH v10]: Hibernation: fix the number of pages used for hibernate/thawbuffering
From: Per Olofsson
Date: Sun Apr 15 2012 - 08:47:02 EST
2012-04-12 23:30, Bojan Smojver skrev:
> I was thinking more like this:
> ----------------------
> unsigned long read_pages = 0;
> [...]
> if (low_free_pages() > snapshot_get_image_size())
> read_pages = (low_free_pages() - snapshot_get_image_size()) / 2;
> read_pages = clamp_val(read_pages, LZO_MIN_RD_PAGES, LZO_MAX_RD_PAGES);
> ----------------------
> Where LZO_MIN_RD_PAGES and LZO_MAX_RD_PAGES are set to 1024 and 8192,
> respectively (this was picked empirically).
> Because we don't really know how many highmem pages are in the image
> (this is figured out by prepare_image() function, half way through
> reading the image - so way after this calculation is done), we assume
> the worst case scenario. And that is that there are no highmem pages in
> the image.
> Given that we cannot use pages from highmem for buffers anyway, the
> above should be careful enough. Of course, there is still some
> possibility of running out of pages, but the kernel is usually in a
> pretty good shape memory-wise on image load, so we should be able to
> squeeze a few MBs out of it, at least.
OK, I see your point now.
Yet another reason to switch to 64-bit then I guess :-)
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