RE: [PATCH] smb347_charger: Cleanup power supply registration codein probe
From: Pallala, Ramakrishna
Date: Thu Apr 19 2012 - 08:24:55 EST
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Pallala, Ramakrishna <ramakrishna.pallala@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> >
> > what is gain and why user space need to see for usb online property
> > and get disappointed when platform has disabled USB charging( where user/user space
> has no idea about this).
> Userspace doesn't have to know anything about how the platform is configured. It just
> reads standard and documented attributes and reacts on those.
> > if usb charging is not enabled just don't register. I think it's clean and make more
> sense to me.
> I disagree but I'll let Anton to decide which is better and how it is supposed to work.
> Btw, I think you should also check those places where
> power_supply_changed() is called for the supplies and make those conditional to what is
> registered.
I will resubmit the patch.
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