Re: [RFC][PATCH] printk: Add %pb to print bitmaps
From: Andrew Morton
Date: Wed May 09 2012 - 15:07:44 EST
On Wed, 09 May 2012 15:27:23 +0200
Peter Zijlstra <peterz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> + * - 'b' For a bitmap, consumes 2 args, second is int
There's a pretty widespread convention that %b is used to print in
binary: printf("%b", 10) -> 1010. Regrettably it isn't part of
standard C, but it's often supported anyway. Perl's printf does this
as well. Perl uses %B also.
If we later want to add binary printing to kernel print(), we'd presumably
use %pb, to match this precedent.
So perhaps it would be better to avoid consuming `b' for bitmaps?
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