Re: [PATCH] backlight: initialize struct backlight_propertiesproperly
From: Andrew Morton
Date: Tue May 22 2012 - 16:59:11 EST
On Mon, 21 May 2012 09:24:35 +0200
Corentin Chary <corentin.chary@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In all these files, the .power field was never correctly initialized.
> ...
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_panel.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_panel.c
> @@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ int intel_panel_setup_backlight(struct drm_device *dev)
> else
> return -ENODEV;
> + memset(&props, 0, sizeof(props));
This code is all still quite fragile. What happens if we add a new
field to backlight_properties? We need to go edit a zillion drivers?
There are two ways of fixing this:
a) write and use
void backlight_properties_init(struct backlight_properties *props,
int type, int max_brightness, etc);
b) edit all sites to do
struct backlight_properties bl_props = {
.max_brighness = intel_panel_get_max_backlight(dev),
they're largely equivalent - the struct will be zeroed out and
then certain fields will be initialised. a) is a bit better because
some future field may not want the all-zeroes pattern (eg, a spinlock).
But they're both better than what we have now!
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