Reservation ( 7th to 28th of July 2012 )
Date: Sun Jun 03 2012 - 05:36:17 EST
Kindly confirm availability in your place that could accommodate us.
We are coming for a Holiday/Business research in your area. The delegate will need (2 double rooms or 4 rooms or apartment that sleeps 4 people ) , but if the options are not available we will appreciate any option from you that can accommodate us.
The scheduled dates are;
( 7th to 28th of July 2012 )
Arrival Date - 7th of July 2012
Departure Date - 28th July 2012
Number of night - 21 Nights
Number of Adults - 4 Adults
Kindly send the rates of the rooms and the total cost........... for the stay for 21 nights plus tax if any.
In case there are no availabilty within this period do not hesitate to get back to me with the free dates.
Thanks in advance.
John Stone
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