Re: tg3: transmit timed out, resetting
From: Christian Kujau
Date: Thu Jun 07 2012 - 03:13:08 EST
On Tue, 5 Jun 2012 at 23:17, Christian Kujau wrote:
> I've only copied so much of the warning into my initial email, but after
> that, much more followed, which looks like a register dump. I've put
> everything (the whole logs and more) here:
> Is that what you're looking for?
Have you had a chance looking at those outputs yet?
> > Would it be possible to try a the latest kernels and get this information?
I'm running today's git (3.5.0-rc1-00110-g71fae7e) and ~3.5h after
booting the same warning was printed, along with the register dump (if
that's what it is). I've put the full output online again:
- messages_3.5.0-rc1-00110-g71fae7e.txt.gz
- config_3.5.0-rc1-00110-g71fae7e.gz
BOFH excuse #10:
hardware stress fractures
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