Linux 3.2.19 kernel panic does not enter KDB
From: Eric Valette
Date: Sun Jun 10 2012 - 07:22:36 EST
I'm currently chasing a kernel panic (dual keyboard led actually
blinking) when playing HD using XBMC on a debian unstable X86_64
I'm stuck with 3.2.X kernel line until maintainer of dvbhdhomerun
integrates 3.3 DVB api changes.
I'm stuck to nvidia 302.x because this is the only nvidia driver version
that supports xrandr and XBMC does not support nvidia proprietary
protocol that replaces xrandr for refresh rate selection...
Its probably dues to a bad interaction between nvidia driver/vdpau/XBMC
because VLC can play same content without panicking but with vaapi
acceleration API instead of VDPAU.
I have a working KGDB/KDB setup (at least hitting ALT SYST q on a tty
show KDB help). I still get the blinking led without entering KDB. When
video freeze, I get the a fix video image, a audio loop and the blinking
leds but cannot get access to KDB console. Any hint?
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