Re: [RFC patch] BFS: 421-1
From: Heinz Diehl
Date: Sun Jul 01 2012 - 10:58:52 EST
On 01.07.2012, Hillf Danton wrote:
> With 15 patches collected, the 421-1 is ready with iso untouched.
> Note diff is based not on 420 but on 421.
There is no v.421 on, and it seems it never has
been, at least there is a patch which updates v.420 directly to v.422
which indicates that there isn't any v.421. So what version is your
patchset actually based on?
Btw: Con Kolivas released BFS v.422 already some weeks ago, you maybe
should think on rebasing your patchset on that one?
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