Re: mmotm 2012-09-06-16-46 uploaded
From: Michal Hocko
Date: Fri Sep 07 2012 - 11:12:42 EST
[CCing Wu Fengguang so that he can update the link to the new tree
On Thu 06-09-12 16:47:34, Andrew Morton wrote:
> A git tree which contains the memory management portion of this tree is
> maintained at by Michal Hocko.
I have finally added the tree to the infrastructure
Both ( and github) have the same branches and layout and I will be
updating both until the end of this month. Github will be discontinued
since 1st Oct.
The switch is really easy. Just add a new remote
$ git remote add mm git://
and move your local tracking branches to point to the new remote.
> It contains the patches which are between the "#NEXT_PATCHES_START mm" and
> "#NEXT_PATCHES_END" markers, from the series file,
Michal Hocko
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