Re: [PATCH v2] /dev/mem: use phys_addr_t for physical addresses
From: Cyril Chemparathy
Date: Wed Sep 12 2012 - 18:54:44 EST
On 9/12/2012 2:15 PM, Greg KH wrote:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 02:05:58PM -0400, Cyril Chemparathy wrote:
This patch fixes the /dev/mem driver to use phys_addr_t for physical
addresses. This is required on PAE systems, especially those that run
entirely out of >4G physical memory space.
What is the symptom if this patch is not applied? Does it need to be
backported to older kernels? If so, which ones?
As far as I can tell, this change only benefits platforms where lowmem
lies outside the 32-bit addressable range. On the ARM based KeyStone
platform, all of our memory is located above the 4GB limit at
0x8:0000:0000. On this platform, trying to read lowmem breaks as follows:
# dd if==/dev/mem of=/dev/null bs==4k count=1 skip=8388608
dd: /dev/mem: Bad address
Assuming that we are unique in this regard (i.e. lowmem outside 4GB), I
don't see any reason to backport this to earlier kernels.
- Cyril
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