Re: 2 physical-cpu (like 2x6core) config and NUMA?
From: Linda Walsh
Date: Tue Sep 18 2012 - 07:04:09 EST
Jike Song wrote:
Do you have anything printed with:
# acpidump -a --table SRAT
It prints out a bunch of stuff, but the word SRAT wasn't in the
I don't remember a node interleaving in the BIOS -- There's a ECC mode,
where I only get 4/6 slots for usable memory, or an optimized mode that uses
6/6 mem sort. Each processer has it's own set of 6-slots for memory
(PowerEdge 610 dual X5660's)...
I wonder if the optimizing mode is node interleaving? But the only other
result results in taking a 1/3rd memory penalty...Hmm...
I'm wondering about this BIOS .. I had to use pcie_aspm=force to get it
to get some parts to work at all. Like the on-board I/O DMA engine --
linux didn't even see the hardware without the aspm=force.
Maybe a bios update is needed? will probe along those lines...
I can always call Dell tech support...still under warantee...;-)
Thanks for the ideas and confirmation....
Hope that helps.
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