RE: How to schedule worker and threaded IRQ on same cpu/core

From: Pallala, Ramakrishna
Date: Tue Oct 02 2012 - 08:54:58 EST

> > How can I schedule driver's worker and threaded IRQ on the same core?
> >
> > For work queue we have schedule_delayed_work_on () API available.
> > But how to schedule the threaded IRQ on the same core where my worker
> thread is going to run?
> Why do you need to worry about where your worker thread is going to run?
> Or IOW what use case do you have in mind?

In my driver I can get two independent events(IRQ and kernel notification). One will be handled by
Threaded IRQ and other will be handled by a worker and the order is not guaranteed and with two cores
Sometimes both workers are being scheduled parallel.

The events I get from two sources are related so I wanted to run my workers and threaded IRQ on single(same) core/cpu.


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