Re: [PATCH] Bluetooth: Add support for BCM20702A0 [0b05, 17b5]
From: Anderson Lizardo
Date: Fri Oct 26 2012 - 08:48:59 EST
Hi Jeff,
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Jeff Cook <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks for the help everyone. I did skim SubmittingPatches prior to
> submission, but dropped off before sections 12 and 15; the information
> seemed outdated since it made no mention of git by the time I stopped
> reading (around section 9 or so), so I looked elsewhere.
> I will resubmit according to the information in Section 15. Do I need to
> add something like "try 2" to the patch's subject line, or is it okay
> without that?
Usually I generate a new patch with "git format-patch HEAD^" and edit
the "[PATCH]" prefix to become "[PATCH v2]" and resend the patch
git send-email --to linux-bluetooth@... --in-reply-to AAA
where "AAA" is the "Message-ID" of the original patch (as seen in the
mail headers, e.g. 5087B517.9090703@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for your
original patch). and "0001-name-of-the-patch.patch" is the filename
for the patch created by git format-patch.
Hope that helps,
Anderson Lizardo
Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - INdT
Manaus - Brazil
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