Re: [PATCH RT 3/4] net: netfilter: Serialize xt_write_recseq sectionson RT

From: Peter LaDow
Date: Thu Nov 01 2012 - 20:40:23 EST

> git log v3.0.36-rt58..3.0.48-rt72
> That's what a source version control system is designed for AFAICT

Thanks for the tip. I (naively) presumed there were published
changelogs and was looking for them. Nor did I know the git logs were
limited to releases, and didn't look there because I feared a huge
number of mid-release commits. Thanks for the pointer.

I've gone through all the commits from 3.0.36-rt58 to 3.0.48-rt72 and
see a few items we need to pull in. The majority are irrelevant to
our platform/configuration (ALSA, SCSI, x86, etc). But the few I did
find point to us moving to rt72 when we can.

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