RE: [RFC][PATCH] pstore: Skip spinlock when just one cpu is online

From: Seiji Aguchi
Date: Mon Dec 10 2012 - 18:52:32 EST

> Now my first reaction would be, if that is the scenario, why couldn't cpuA release the lock within one second. Because if cpuA is stuck
> talking with firmware, then your patch to force the unlock is probably going to trip over the same problems.
> (those problems include dealing with resetting a firmware state machine)
> IOW, your patch is just one of many minefields you will have to cross in order to be successful.

I agree that I need to fix the platform driver's deadlocking as well to make an overall system workable.
(I just wanted to fix the deadlocking problems step by step.)

> Without any testing to show that you have cleared all those minefields, I am leaning against your patch for now. I would rather have a
> complete patchset that fixes all the problems in this path.

Thanks. I will try to make the complete patchset.

> If you did have to go this route, why not take the 'reason' variable and pass it to some function 'in_panic_path(reason)' that tells you if
> you are panicing or not. Then you can change the 'if in_nmi()' to 'if in_nmi() || in_panic'.
> The panic path already disables irqs for you, not sure you need to do it again. Unless you have some other path you are trying to
> protect in mind.

Thank you for the suggestion.
I will update my patch in accordance with your comment if anyone else disagree that.

> Cheers,
> Don
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