[PATCH 3/3] convert headers_install.pl->headers_install.sh
From: rob
Date: Mon Dec 17 2012 - 20:20:29 EST
From: Rob Landley <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Remove perl from make headers_install by replacing a perl script (doing
a simple regex search and replace) with a smaller, faster, simpler,
POSIX-2008 shell script implementation. The new shell script is a single
for loop calling sed and piping its output through unifdef to produce the
target file.
Signed-off-by: Rob Landley <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
scripts/Makefile.headersinst | 4 +-
scripts/headers_install.pl | 63 ---------------------------------
scripts/headers_install.sh | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
diff -ruN linux-3.1/scripts/headers_install.sh linux-2.6.30/scripts/headers_install.sh
--- linux-3.1/scripts/headers_install.sh
+++ linux/scripts/headers_install.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]
+ echo "Usage: headers_install.sh OUTDIR [FILES...]
+ echo
+ echo "Prepares kernel header files for use by user space, by removing"
+ echo "all compiler.h definitions and #includes, removing any"
+ echo "#ifdef __KERNEL__ sections, and putting __underscores__ around"
+ echo "asm/inline/volatile keywords."
+ echo
+ echo "OUTDIR: directory to write each userspace header FILE to."
+ echo "FILES: list of header files to operate on."
+ exit 1
+# Grab arguments
+# Iterate through files listed on command line
+trap 'rm -f "$OUTDIR/$FILE" "$OUTDIR/$FILE.sed"' EXIT
+for i in "$@"
+ FILE="$(basename "$i")"
+ sed -r \
+ -e 's/([ \t(])(__user|__force|__iomem)[ \t]/\1/g' \
+ -e 's/__attribute_const__([ \t]|$)/\1/g' \
+ -e 's@^#include <linux/compiler.h>@@' \
+ -e 's/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])__packed([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)/\1__attribute__((packed))\2/g' \
+ -e 's/(^|[ \t])(inline|asm|volatile)([ \t(]|$)/\1__\2__\3/g' \
+ -e 's@#(ifndef|define|endif /[*]) _UAPI@#\1 @' \
+ "$i" > "$OUTDIR/$FILE.sed" || exit 1
+ scripts/unifdef -U__KERNEL__ -D__EXPORTED_HEADERS__ "$OUTDIR/$FILE.sed" \
+ [ $? -gt 1 ] && exit 1
+ rm -f "$OUTDIR/$FILE.sed"
+trap - EXIT
diff -ruN linux-3.1/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
--- linux-3.1/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
+++ linux/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
quiet_cmd_install = INSTALL $(printdir) ($(words $(all-files))\
file$(if $(word 2, $(all-files)),s))
cmd_install = \
- $(PERL) $< $(installdir) $(SRCARCH) $(input-files); \
+ $(CONFIG_SHELL) $< $(installdir) $(input-files); \
for F in $(wrapper-files); do \
echo "\#include <asm-generic/$$F>" > $(installdir)/$$F; \
done; \
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
targets += $(install-file)
-$(install-file): scripts/headers_install.pl $(input-files) FORCE
+$(install-file): scripts/headers_install.sh $(input-files) FORCE
$(if $(unwanted),$(call cmd,remove),)
$(if $(wildcard $(dir $@)),,$(shell mkdir -p $(dir $@)))
$(call if_changed,install)
--- a/scripts/headers_install.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# headers_install prepare the listed header files for use in
-# user space and copy the files to their destination.
-# Usage: headers_install.pl readdir installdir arch [files...]
-# installdir: dir to install the files to
-# arch: current architecture
-# arch is used to force a reinstallation when the arch
-# changes because kbuild then detect a command line change.
-# files: list of files to check
-# Step in preparation for users space:
-# 1) Drop all use of compiler.h definitions
-# 2) Drop include of compiler.h
-# 3) Drop all sections defined out by __KERNEL__ (using unifdef)
-use strict;
-my ($installdir, $arch, @files) = @ARGV;
-my $unifdef = "scripts/unifdef -U__KERNEL__ -D__EXPORTED_HEADERS__";
-foreach my $filename (@files) {
- my $file = $filename;
- $file =~ s!^.*/!!;
- my $tmpfile = "$installdir/$file.tmp";
- open(my $in, '<', $filename)
- or die "$filename: $!\n";
- open(my $out, '>', $tmpfile)
- or die "$tmpfile: $!\n";
- while (my $line = <$in>) {
- $line =~ s/([\s(])__user\s/$1/g;
- $line =~ s/([\s(])__force\s/$1/g;
- $line =~ s/([\s(])__iomem\s/$1/g;
- $line =~ s/\s__attribute_const__\s/ /g;
- $line =~ s/\s__attribute_const__$//g;
- $line =~ s/\b__packed\b/__attribute__((packed))/g;
- $line =~ s/^#include <linux\/compiler.h>//;
- $line =~ s/(^|\s)(inline)\b/$1__$2__/g;
- $line =~ s/(^|\s)(asm)\b(\s|[(]|$)/$1__$2__$3/g;
- $line =~ s/(^|\s|[(])(volatile)\b(\s|[(]|$)/$1__$2__$3/g;
- $line =~ s/#ifndef _UAPI/#ifndef /;
- $line =~ s/#define _UAPI/#define /;
- $line =~ s!#endif /[*] _UAPI!#endif /* !;
- printf {$out} "%s", $line;
- }
- close $out;
- close $in;
- system $unifdef . " $tmpfile > $installdir/$file";
- # unifdef will exit 0 on success, and will exit 1 when the
- # file was processed successfully but no changes were made,
- # so abort only when it's higher than that.
- my $e = $? >> 8;
- if ($e > 1) {
- die "$tmpfile: $!\n";
- }
- unlink $tmpfile;
-exit 0;
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