Re: [PATCH 2/2] nconf: function keys line, change background color for better readability
From: Yann E. MORIN
Date: Mon Jan 14 2013 - 17:26:49 EST
Roland, All,
On Monday 14 January 2013 Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> On Saturday 29 December 2012 Roland Eggner wrote:
> > >From: Roland Eggner <edvx1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > â In function keys line descriptions black on darkblue are almost impossible
> > to read. Change colors to black on brown.
> Although I am not a fan of this color scheme, it is much more readable
> than the previous black-on-blue. Tested in frame-buffer console, in konsole
> and in xterm. And queued in my non-official for-next branch.
Sorry, the branch is:
git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:linux-kconfig/linux-kconfig.git yem-kconfig-for-next
Yann E. MORIN.
| Yann E. MORIN | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' conspiracy: |
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