Re: [PATCH v2 09/76] ARC: Checksum/byteorder/swab routines
From: Vineet Gupta
Date: Fri Jan 18 2013 - 09:27:42 EST
On Friday 18 January 2013 07:51 PM, Arnd Bergmann wrote:
> On Friday 18 January 2013, Vineet Gupta wrote:
>> TBD: do_csum still needs to be written in asm
> Do you actually expect a lot of improvement in do_csum?
> I would hope that gcc can actually generate a pretty
> good version of it, unless you have some 64-bit add-with-carry
> instruction or something else that you could make use of.
We do have 32bit add-with-carry and it has it's own set of micro-architectural
hazards and stalls which deserve careful insn scheduling. So yes the mileage would
vary but certainly deserves a try.
>> Signed-off-by: Vineet Gupta <vgupta@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Acked-by: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@xxxxxxxx>
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