Re: usb storage: FATAL DATA CORRUPTION due to innocuous reboot!?
From: rh
Date: Wed Jan 30 2013 - 17:30:14 EST
On Sat, 26 Jan 2013 14:22:32 +0100
Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> after my recent tirade of very poor device support of Aspire One,
> I now experienced something a lot worse (bad karma? ;-P):
> basically my entire ext4 root partition got blewn into shreds
> (corruption is so pervasive that I'm afraid recovery will fail).
> I am (was) running 3.7.0, and decided to upgrade to current (-rc4+).
> Thus I did grub-mkconfig and more or less immediately rebooted.
> Realized that I had failed to copy vmlinuz to /boot's bzImage
> (i.e. new boot entry was missing), rebooted and redid that,
> re-ran grub-mkconfig and rebooted more or less immediately.
> After the first grub-mkconfig GRUB2 was still fine,
> being able to boot the existing kernel.
> Exactly directly after the second reboot (post-grub-mkconfig)
> all hell broke lose, with GRUB2 complaining about "invalid extent"
> and a subsequent fsck.ext4 spewing tons of pages of errors.
> I'm using the infamous JMF601 SSD controller, USB-connected
> (root device).
> Cannot provide details of grub package version since root partition
> is toast.
> Note that the first inode that fsck complained about was 262144, i.e.
> 0x40000 i.e. 256kB i.e. most certainly directly at a boundary of
> erase block size. IOW, the corruption is very likely to have been
> produced by coarse erase block related activity and *not* by any
> interim merging of *partial* data updates.
> While of course the corruption may have happened due to a questionable
> device, I now have a hunch that this unspeakable mess has been caused
> by the reboot happening too early (while the SSD was still writing
> data, probably by having to actively and painfully erase formerly
> used blocks, too). If the reboot happened too early, this would
> probably mean that USB port power during reboot got lost too early,
> thus the controller lost power during ongoing data updates.
> If the controller's operation happens to be implemented
> in a not fully atomic way (as is somewhat likely given JMF601's
> reputation), then this means data corruption, plenty.
> Thus I started to investigate about the kernel's device consistency
> guarantees upon reboot.
> Note that reboot(8) says:
> "
> The -h flag puts all hard disks in standby mode just before
> halt or
> power-off. Right now this is only implemented for IDE
> drives. A side
> effect of putting the drive in stand-by mode is that the write
> cache on
> the disk is flushed. This is important for IDE drives, since
> the kernel
> doesn't flush the write cache itself before power-off.
> "
> Excuse me!?
> Why wouldn't the kernel be responsible to take care to flush things
> prior to power-off?
> Also,
> (a possibly old/irrelevant source) says:
> "The reboot(8) and halt(8) commands take this into account by sleeping
> for a few seconds after calling sync(2)"
> Please forgive me for a second that I'm *very* puzzled why
> it would be the reboot binary's job to do a delay to ensure
> properly completed syncing/flushing of the storage devices.
> After all it's quite arguably definitely the *kernel*'s job
> to govern device-specific flush delay requirements (only the kernel
> knows which particular device may have certain particularly special
> manual delay requirements, and all that a userspace binary ought
> to do is to issue a *client request* for a reboot).
> Please note that the sync binary is only about syncing
> filesystem-related parts, i.e. it does NOT seem to be responsible for
> the (much more important!!) non-fs parts such as the things updated
> by GRUB (is this the hole that I'm seeing here?).
> So, to have a short list:
> - I suspect improper sync/flush handling prior to reboot
> (which likely eventually leads to the obviously fatal USB port
> poweroff)
> - it's possibly the case that sync handling is sufficient to handle
> FS parts but not the even more critical non-FS parts (bootloader)
> - kernel might actually do a proper sync/flush of *all* device parts,
> but device may fail to obey it
> If it in fact is a problem specific to this device,
> then it might be conceivable to introduce a new USB storage quirk flag
> for devices with broken flush which would add an arbitrary pre-reboot
> delay of perhaps 10 seconds.
> If the kernel has a last-write-at timestamp per block device
> (which it arguably should maintain), then this could be used to
> shorten the delay to the time remaining since last write
> (which also would allow to prolong the total delay to 20 seconds).
> Questions:
> - should I file a kernel bug report about this issue?
> - did anyone experience anything similar? (research didn't
> manage to locate much so far)
> - if my thoughts are correct (about storage quirk), how to implement
> it?
> - any other hints/ideas?
I am curious to know if you found anything more about this.
I have seen some strange things lately with USB devices. A 64MB (yes MB)
SD card was not readable on linux 3.6.7 but was fine on macos. The card
was created under a previous linux kernel. I also saw flushing issues on
other usb mem sticks.
1. copied a large file from disk -> usb stick
2. cp finished
3. I umount'd the usb stick
4. put stick in other pc
5. file was truncated
Had to redo those steps but also did a bin/sync before unmounting.
> I have to admit that all these way too many kernel "features"
> are really adding up going on my nerves (Alan Cox, anyone?).
> If this keeps going on, then I *will* be forced to bail out, hard.
I have been looking at alternatives to linux kernel. Is that what you
> Thanks,
> Andreas Mohr
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