Re: [PATCH] BUG: pinmux: forbid mux_usecount to be set at UINT_MAX
From: Stephen Warren
Date: Wed Mar 20 2013 - 13:09:03 EST
On 03/20/2013 10:59 AM, Richard Genoud wrote:
> 2013/3/20 Stephen Warren <swarren@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> On 03/20/2013 05:31 AM, Richard Genoud wrote:
>>> If pin_free is called on a pin already freed, mux_usecount is set to
>>> UINT_MAX which is really a bad idea.
>>> This will silently ignore a double call to pin_free
>> Shouldn't we WARN_ON(this case)?
> yes indeed, it may be better to issue a big warning because AFAIK
> that's not normal.
>>> diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/pinmux.c b/drivers/pinctrl/pinmux.c
>>> if (!gpio_range) {
>>> - desc->mux_usecount--;
>>> - if (desc->mux_usecount)
>>> + if (1 == desc->mux_usecount)
>>> + desc->mux_usecount = 0;
>>> + else
>>> return NULL;
>> What if desc-mux_usecount was 2; this patch prevents the use-count from
>> being decremented to 1 in this case. Shouldn't this be:
>> if (!gpio_range) {
>> + if (WARN_ON(!desc->mux_usecount))
>> + return NULL;
>> desc->mux_usecount--;
> Well, I'm not very familiar with this code, but can mux_usecount be
> higher than 1 ?
Possibly not, but isn't that more something that the
resource-acquisition code (i.e. whatever does mux_usecount++) should
enforce; the cleanup code should probably support all cases in case the
enforcement rules change in the future. Either that, or convert the
field to a bool so it's clear what the range is.
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